Morning tea on the church verandah
Dunsborough Christian Men's Group
By Stuart Taylor, Dunsborough Christian Men’s Group Coordinator
The Dunsborough Christian Men’s Group was established in 2009. Its purpose is to provide fellowship for all men including those from our six churches in Dunsborough and surrounds. We meet on the last Friday of each month for breakfast at the Old Hall in Dunsborough. Speakers from a variety of backgrounds, generally with a Christian ethos, provide stimulating talks.
Whilst we are an unashamedly Christian based group, we aim to encourage non-Christians to attend. Initially a few men from St George’s Anglican Church started the breakfasts, but it was soon felt important to include men from all the Churches. So now about twenty-five men represented by all the churches meet on a regular basis.
From time to time we provide financial support to groups such as The Barnabas Fund. However, our main aim is to provide a social setting for men to share their life experiences and to support those who are having challenges in their daily lives through prayer and practical help.
For further information contact Stuart Taylor, Dunsborough Christian Men’s Group Coordinator or the Parish Office.
Mission to Those in Need
by Bruce Maden, Mission Secretary
What is Mission? Well, put at its simplest Mission involves an attempt to meet the needs of those ‘in special need’. ‘In need’ covers a wide variety and number of situations: hunger; as currently in the Sudan and other countries in Africa, this being due to repeated crop failures following prolonged drought. Or, from persecution by one part of a community against a minority on religious or political grounds; as in Myanmar from where over 600,000 refugees have fled from their homes, mainly to Bangladesh, which has problems of its own, and is unable to cope with the new influx. Or, from the many sufferings of war, as happened with the rise of ISIS in the Middle East and Africa – more than 200,000 people have lost their homes as a result. Or, within our own country of Australia there is hardship, be this in Aboriginal communities in the north, or, in the towns and cities which make up our local communities around the country.
So, what does St George’s ‘Mission’ work do to help? We help in many practical ways – in 2017, after discussion with, and approval from, the Parish Council, donated over $14,000 to many charities and agencies that work in specific areas of need. These are carefully chosen – since, as in all of life, certain charities have a deeper knowledge of, and contact on the ground with situations of need.
To sum up, in all of life, and regardless of the apparent prosperity of a town, or city, or country there are some people who fall on hard times. Often, this is not a question of fault or blame, but by force of circumstance, e.g. job loss, health issues, etc.
At St George’s we try to direct our help across a wide range of needs – be this crop failure in Africa, or the homeless on the streets of our own towns and cities, or support for the school chaplain role at Dunsborough Primary School. As one of thousands of givers to a number of charities and agencies the end result, hopefully, makes a real difference to many thousands of those in need.
If you would like to know more please contact our Parish Office.