Sunday Morning Prayer 8am
Sunday Service with Holy Communion 9.30am
First Sunday of the month Holy Communion without hymns 8am
The Sermon for the Week is available each Monday. Scroll down the screen and Click on the ‘Sermon’ Button .
Daily Services and Parish Newsletter
Please ‘click’ on the Button ‘Church Online Livestreamed Services’ and it will take you to the Sunday services .
Please let the office know if you would like us to pray for someone, or if you would like us to visit someone.
Our weekly parish Newsletter is available by clicking on the button below.
If you would like to talk to someone, please ring our office and you will be put in touch with someone who can listen and help. Our office email is: office@dunsboroughanglican.com.au; and telephone is: 08 9756 8105.
Financial Assistance!
We need your financial support and help if you can spare it! Can you please consider making a regular Church donation by direct gifting through your bank account on a weekly or monthly basis? This will help us to maintain our pastoral services including emergency relief and cover Church overheads.
Parish Bank Details for Online Direct Gifting:
Westpac BSB: 706 001 Account No. 3000 3099
THANK YOU! Abundant blessings for you all.
SERMON For 30 March 2025
Fourth Sunday in Lent
A welcoming, friendly and supportive community awaits you at the St George’s Church, Op Shop and Family Centre. St George’s is full of special people which makes it an interesting place. Every member of the congregation has an amazing story to share about their own life-journey to Christian faith. One thing we hear often is how friendly everyone is and all who come here are made to feel welcome and special, whether its a Sunday morning, when the congregation gathers together for worship, or on any day and time when people visit the Church, Office, Op Shop and Family Centre. At St George’s we recognise it is important to share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet for we are all God’s children, called to grow in our friendship with Jesus. So, we believe every person in our parish community is valuable and worthy of God’s unconditional love and care.
Welcome to our website – Visit the drop-down menus to read about some of our activities and events that are part of our ongoing story.
You are always welcome to our Services
A Typical Week at St George's Anglican Church
At St George’s everyone of us, the People – the ordinary people of God who are committed to following Christ by virtue of our Baptism – meet together on a regular basis to pray, serve and worship the Lord. We are committed to providing a safe environment for all to grow and flourish on their own life-journey as children of God. Our church is normally open every day and Family Centre bookings can be made through the Bookings Manager. Here is a list of our Office & Op Shop opening times:
Our in-Church Service Times :
Sunday: 9.30 am Holy Communion with music
Office Times:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am - 3pm. Please leave a message if the office is shut.
Op Shop Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 9 am - 12 noon
Donations accepted during opening hours.
Cuppa on the Verandah
Meet new friends, catch up with old friends. Join us for conversation and morning tea, 3rd Wednesday each month, at 10 am. All welcome.
Manna and Mercy community Sit-Down and take-Away Meals - All Welcome!
Tuesdays 5pm - 6 pm weekly
At St George’s we recognise the church are the people who make up the congregation and local community.
At St George’s we recognise the church are the people who make up the congregation and local community. We value our role and place as a part of God’s Kingdom in Dunsborough. This raises awareness of the need to develop and maintain a strong relationship with God. You may recall Jesus emphasised the first and greatest commandment, to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ (Luke 10: v.27). So, trusting and relying on God enables us to focus on the church building as the place where Jesus can be encountered in a special way, particularly in the sacramental sharing of bread and wine during Holy Communion. As this relationship and friendship with Jesus is established and maintained – every Sunday, every day – we can look around.
Our Congregation and Ministry Teams
Luke 10:v.27 goes further – ‘… and, love your neighbour as yourself’. Therefore, Jesus teaches us about the importance of reaching out – about giving of ourselves at the same time as we allow others to minister to our own needs. At St Georges, before you know it, you’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded people. They’re called ‘The Congregation’ and these are the people who, through dedicated service and prayer, drive the works of faith happening here and characterising who we are as children of God in the Anglican Parish of Dunsborough. It is these people who make the Op Shop and Family Centre ministries possible and available for all. So – Listen, Practice, Grow and join us!
St George’s Family Centre….
This delightful building is dedicated to serving the people of Dunsborough and surrounding districts. Since its commissioning in November 2014 it has proven a firm favourite with many groups. Activities include:
Boniface Care and St George’s Emergency Relief
Group Meetings: Quilting, administration and special interest;
Educational Study: Lent studies, Advent studies, training and development of volunteers
Weekly: Share & Care, recycling stations, fruit, veg, bread & other free goods Monday & Saturday 8.30 - 11am Tuesday 5-6pm
Weekly: Manna & Mercy Take Away and Sit Down meals on Tuesday 5 - 6 pm
Not-for-Profit & Commercial Hire of facilities: Fitness, children’s programmes, theatre, art classes, music, childcare and wellness are some of the reasons for hiring.
Upcoming events in the Family Centre
Repair Co-op: Every last Saturday of the month 9-11am
Bring in your repairs eg clothes, tools or household items and Jo and her volunteer team will see how they can help you. You will also be shown how to look after and maintain your tools or garments with handy tips, tricks and information.
A donation is appreciated to cover costs.